Monday, February 06, 2006

2006 Mud Fest

The annual mudfest in Sweet Home Oregon,(, will be enjoying my company once again. The dumbest way to sell tickets possible is how they choose to do it every year. You have to call in Feb 4th starting @ 9:00 am Pacific. People from all over the nation start dialing and you get about 5 million busy signals before you get a live body on the phone. Anyway my wife had two cell phones and I was on the LAN line. My buddy, Darrell, and his wife were calling all the while communicating with me via MSN messenger to tell the other when we got a live body on the phone. Darrell actually got through in record time. @ 9:25 he had tickets. Wohoooo. Others were not so lucky.
Shane = 1:30 pm
Kevin = 1:35 pm
Linda "She Devil" did not get any... bumber!

I have seen them on EBAY and Craigslist for about $35 if anyone is interested.

It is going to be Awesome! Mud for everyone.......
